Covid-19: More than a Virus

Issa Yusuf
Good Audience
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2020


Covid-19 or more commonly known as the Coronavirus is a global pandemic which has completely taken over the world from all aspects from the current collapse of economy, education and most importantly our healthcare. It’s an unprecedented time we are living in and we do not know whether the long lasting effects of Covid-19 will change the world forever and help us to tackle other problems to our society like poverty and food hunger.

Currently in the Uk, we have been put on lockdown from schools and non essential businesses being ordered to close by the government. As a student who was going to do his A-Levels this upcoming summer, the news Boris Johnson gave on Wednesday 17th March that ‘No exams will be taking place in May and June’ gave a sense of relief but most importantly anger as I feel like I have been robbed of not just an opportunity to shine and produce grades that I can be happy, a prom where I can celebrate the past two years and a summer that I can enjoy to the fullest with my friends and family. However, this time of uncertainty has taught me that there are more important things than education and that we must not compromise the health of those at risk so that young people like me can get a piece of paper.

There are currently 9529 cases and 465 deaths in the Uk and they are rapidly rising as we are two weeks behind what Italy are experiencing right now. During these troubling times, the world has stopped from people caring about their money, car and other materialistic items and communities have come together from the ambulance helping the elderly with their shopping, volunteers calling those who feel alone, teachers helping the most vulnerable students cope and stay strong. This gives me an indication is that if we continue to listen to Government’s advice by staying home, washing our hands etc we will hopefully be able to tackle this problem which we can not visibly see.

Therefore, I believe that the Coronavirus will teach us to appreciate all things we take for granted like our health, freedom, education and careers. Perhaps this virus will be the catalyst for positive change in the world and hopefully solve all the problems that corrupt our humanity. We must all stay safe and listen religiously to the government’s advice so that we can come out the other side more united and peaceful. This change does not have to be negative but a setback we can all use to push forward in our lives.




Currently an A-Level Student. Dedicated to helping people see new innovations and problems we are currently facing.