Attention Shardinites: The Biggest Community Contest In Sharder’s History Is Upon Us!

Corey Crypto- Syscoin
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5 min readSep 4, 2018


The Sharder Protocol’s Largest Community Contest Has Commenced!

Community: A Focal Point Of A Project’s Success

Community engagement is the focal point of the success and triumph of any project within any sector of industry; without a following, a community so to say, projects capitulate under their own state of silence. The Sharder Protocol’s team has been actively engaged in incentivizing it’s community to be involved in intellectual discussion and overall support of the project. Every town, every city, every nation are comprised of communities that effectively enable that entity to prosper and flourish; this develops an ecosystem of equity. Our community has enabled open-minded discussion where every man and woman’s voices are heard, this intellectually inclusive paradigm is a focal point of why The Sharder Protocol will succeed in the very-near future. Imagine if you will, a world where almost 8 billion humans worked collectively for the benefit of the entirety of our human civilization; we would become the deities we worshiped. The Bitcoin community early on supported Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision of a better world through a transparent, immutable, inclusive, free-market capitalistic paradigm that embodied the equity of democracy and the laissez faire vision of cryptocurrency in regards to currency and the state. Without the community that backed Bitcoin with ardent resolve, Bitcoin would have more than likely collapsed on itself and the ideals that embody what cryptocurrency has stood for over the last decade would have most likely never existed. The Sharder Protocol outlined in their technical white paper that “we hope to continuously improve the Sharder Protocol with the support and wisdom of community (Page 21).” In the early stages of a project, one of the basic fundamentals of growth is community, our community embodies intellect, conviction and physical and mental tenacity that, through our collective consciousness of ambition, The Sharder Protocol will prosper!

The Sharder Protocol’s Largest Community Contest In It’s History!

Our Largest Community Competition Is Underway!

The Sharder Protocol’s community contest has commenced as of September 4th! The community contest entails designing a logo for the Sharder Hub which is a micro-node miner that enables individuals to receive SS tokens as rewards for mining transactions within the Sharder Network! The competition will end on the 13th of September, giving our community and anyone who would like to be involved within this competition ample time to design a logo for The Sharder Hub (The Sharder Protocol, as stated above, understands the importance of community involvement, inclusivity breeds engagement). The final designs will be uploaded on a Google documents form and the actual voting for the best logo design will begin on the 16th of September. The winner of the competition will be announced on the 23rd of September. The winning prize will be a Sharder Hub and 10,000 Sharder Tokens; this prize is valuated at over $300!!! Other prizes will also be given out to additional members of the community who offer advice to the winning contestant as well; members can receive up to 3,000 Sharder Tokens! So if you have the handwriting of a third grader (like I do) or you’re just not the artistic type, your wisdom and knowledge are always welcomed and you will be rewarded for your engagement!

The Sharder Hub And Sharder Box Is Incentivizes Users Through A Multi-Fold Of Rewards!

This is not the first community contest that The Sharder Protocol has created, other contests have also taken place within our community! The Sharder Team’s collective benevolence is unprecedented; the team has decided to give (for free) 40 Tester Sharder Hub’s to the most active individuals within the community! These Tester Sharder Hub’s will be given to a select few who wish to test the network and be compensated in doing so! An individual who wins a Tester Sharder Hub will be able to receive rewards that will be redeemable for SS tokens (the beauty of cryptocurrency, The Sharder Hub and The Sharder Box in particular are that they create passive income the rest of your life). In life, the wealthy generally have over four streams of income and many of these streams of income that flow to them like rivers out of a lake do not force them to be directly involved with the enterprise that is making them money and generating their wealth. Utilizing a Sharder Hub or a Sharder Box enables an individual to simultaneously build an investment portfolio due to the fact that they’re rewarded with SS tokens and if one chooses so, liquidate their rewards into cold hard cash! The beauty of the Tester Sharder Hub’s are that once the testing phase for the network is complete, all an individual will need to do is update the firmware of The Tester Sharder Hub (you will not need to purchase an additional Sharder Hub to be involved within the network and receive rewards)! Let the largest Sharder Community Competition Commence!

Conclusion: Community Is Everything!

Community engagement is needed for the flourishment of a cryptocurrency project. In this newly developing asset class, without a backing, a project will collapse. The Sharder Protocol embodies success; it has revolutionary technology, an ardent following and an engaged community. Intellectual thought and discussion are crucial in regards to the progress of a society, innovation, company, government etc. What are we without our society; just animals without a vision, reverting back to primitiveness. “Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community”-Anthony J. D’Angelo. “Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform our world”-Howard Zinn. When two men exchange a dollar, they are left with one dollar, however, when two men exchange ideas, they now have two ideas embedded in their consciousness instead of one. Our competition’s foster community engagement and active learning; a strong community understands the entity, ideals, technology and principles they’re backing! We’re the revolution of decentralized distributed storage solution protocols! May we embark on the largest Sharder Community Competition ever!


Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency investing requires substantial risk, do not invest more than you can afford to lose! I am not a financial adviser and I am not responsible for any of your trades. I am an investor of Sharder Token and the information within this article represent my own thoughts and opinions. It is incumbent that you always do your own research before investing in anything.

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Disclaimer: Crypto investing involves substantial risk, do not invest more than you can afford to lose! This material is for educational purposes only!